Meet Gardea

Hopefully you know who Gardea is by now. But if you don’t, I’d like to introduce you to an integral part of the Trifecta team: Gardea! Along with teaching boot camp and boxing classes, Gardea also teaches self-defense classes at Trifecta. (He’s the only trainer you’ve seen roll up to class on a bike or in roller-skates.) Gardea has been training people and teaching classes for over 15 years, motivating other people to push past their limits. His work ethic and drive is apparent in everything he does, and his enthusiasm is infectious.

Gardea first started boxing when he was in the United States Naval Academy. From then on, he made it his mission to teach others how boxing fundamentals can constantly improve their lives. He has always been passionate about adding mobility, nutrition, and recovery as part of the process of fitness/health. Gardea’s favorite thing about training people is being able to help them realize their potential and maximize their basics.

For me, it’s not every day that I meet someone who I work well with AND genuinely click with on a personal level. Gardea understands Trifecta’s mission of encompassing the sport, body, and mind as part of a whole. Hopefully you’ve already had a chance to meet Gardea yourself, and if you haven’t, definitely go join a Trifecta class! He’ll be happy to have you!

“…I measure success in what it has done for the people around me. That is the real accolade.”

—Adam Grant

Meet Gardea

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