Precious Dreams Gala

“Whether a bear is held tight after a bad dream or a bedtime story leads to a happy imagination, we hope sleeping can be made easy, we hope to inspire Precious Dreams.”

On Wednesday night I attended the Precious Dreams Gala. The gala was full of people who were all there for the same purpose—to help children in need. It was inspiring and uplifting to have people who care and are passionate about a good cause come together to celebrate and talk about the importance of the work that Precious Dreams does. It is also a great reminder of the differences that each of us can make to change and improve the world, or at the very least, to help those around us. This year, I was able to raise and donate over $15,000 to the foundation. Being able to help sponsor the event has made me realize how much of an impact that I can make now, but more importantly…how much more of an impact that I can continue make in the future!

You can still make donations at It’s a great time of year to donate or volunteer and help provide comfort to children who need it.

Precious Dreams Gala

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