On Giving

One of the privileges that I am grateful for having now is being able to give to those in need. Giving back to local communities and charities has always been a priority of mine, whether it’s with time or money. A foundation that has meant a lot to me is the Precious Dreams Foundation. They work with foster and homeless children using a unique program called the Comfort Drop program. Through the program, children get to decorate pillows, learn how to keep daily journals for themselves, practice yoga, and get visits from guest speakers, among other things. The mission and goal of the foundation is to provide positive reinforcement and comfort to empower children.

I was in foster care as a kid, so of course I immediately wanted to contribute in some way. I know that comfort and empowerment is invaluable and sometimes seldom given to a foster child, so I didn’t think twice about getting involved. A cause that takes the time and consideration to provide some basic care for others is always going to have a special place in my heart. As someone who wasn’t always fortunate enough to have the means to donate to others–not to mention struggling to provide basic care for myself–I am particularly grateful that I now have the opportunity to give to kids who are in the same position that I was in years ago.

I will be at the Precious Dreams Foundation’s 8th Annual Fundraising Gala this Wednesday, October 16th. Tickets for the gala can be purchased online at PreciousDreamsFoundation.org. If you can’t attend but would like to contribute, there is a donation link as well.


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