Choosing the Right Boxing Classes for You

As someone who has taught numerous boxing and bootcamp classes, I’ve spent a lot of time and put a decent amount of thought into how my classes are structured and what the experience is like for the people who attend them. I have my own preferences based off of trial and error and feedback from clients, so I’ve changed up my classes accordingly over time. Finding the right workout for you isn’t just about the class description, it’s also about quality instruction and finding the sort of workouts that are most effective for you.

All types of boxing classes are available these days. Some are old-fashioned in conditioning and technique, others are more “boxing-inspired” and emphasize conditioning over technique. When looking for the right class for you, keep in mind what you want to get out of the workout. Do you mostly want a bootcamp or HIIT type of class? Or do you want to learn how to box properly while working on your conditioning? Trifecta classes are structured to balance both. In my opinion, it’s important for people to learn the basics of technique; if not to avoid injury, to instill good habits as early as possible. Because good form is not an easy thing to maintain when you’re also getting a workout in. I’ve also noticed that people generally become more confident with a little more instruction when they are beginner boxers.

The size of a class is also something that plays a part in what you can gain from it. If you’re the type of person who wants to have a guided workout but you don’t want or need too much individual attention, larger classes are probably your thing. Plus, working out with a larger group of people can be extra motivating for some people. On the other hand, some people hate larger classes and prefer smaller, more private classes. Obviously, your chances of getting individual attention are going to be higher, and if you have questions, you’ll be more willing to ask them. If you want to make sure an instructor will see you and correct your form, a smaller class will be best.

Lastly, what are they teaching you in the class? Are you learning combinations or moves that would be practical in the ring? Or is the boxing that’s being taught in the class mostly just to get your heart rate up? There is definitely going to be a big difference between the two; one is more of a learning experience than the other. It’s always worth it to try both out if you’re not sure.

Without going too far into it, I am very conscious about the caliber of my classes. Some places aren’t as picky. I think stretching and warming up properly is important, I think providing a tough workout is essential, I think checking and teaching good form is necessary, and I think a little time spent with cool-down is a great way to end a class. We do all of the Trifecta classes with that in mind and it’s what a lot people are looking for. Maybe it’s the type of class that you’re looking for, too!


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