Going Back to the Gym in a Post-Lockdown World

Going Back to the Gym in a Post-COVID World

When it comes to going back to the gym after a pandemic, there are a few concerns on peoples’ minds. For example, working out for the first time in month(s) or a year or more. Going back after any long period of time off is intimidating for anyone because it feels like you’re starting from scratch again.

Another big concern that some people have about getting back into a gym after COVID is simply about how to act now that we’re sharing an indoor space and equipment with other people again. Although many of us are really eager to be back at a gym and to be doing in-person classes again, that doesn’t mean that we might not feel some anxiety about it.

Most gyms have a guideline now that many are reopening to the public, so for starters, follow the gym guidelines. And if your gym doesn’t have any rules, do what makes you comfortable.

To begin with, if you haven’t gotten the vaccine, it’s a good idea to get vaccinated. And so far, vaccines have proven to be effective against serious illness even if you catch the Delta variant.

You don’t know who isn’t vaccinated, so if wearing a mask will make you feel safer, do it. Lots of people have been working out with masks on for a while now. Going back to the gym might feel weird and can take a while to get used to. If wearing a mask will give you peace of mind, then don’t hesitate to do it.

Also, stay on top of washing your hands and wiping down gym equipment if you can. It’s good gym etiquette regardless of COVID, but try to be more aware of these things now. The plus side to all of this is that you’ll also be doing your best to avoid getting a cold or flu in general.

And if you tried going back to the gym and didn’t feel like you were ready, that’s fine, too! Virtual classes are still a great way to work out and we’ve got a lot of different types to fit your needs!

Definitely plan on making a slow comeback if you haven’t been working out and don’t rush it. Unfortunately, we can’t just jump back where we left off, so give yourself time to get used to things again.

Also, expect that you might get frustrated or disappointed about where you’re at physically if you’ve taken time away from exercise, and be patient and kind to yourself. We all dealt with a lot during lockdown, right? Mentally and physically. Like I’ve said before on the blog, set small goals and celebrate small achievements. Consistency can be one of those. As long as you keep going back, you’ll make progress.


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