Documenting Your Fitness Journey

Documenting Your Fitness Journey

There are several reasons why people document their fitness journeys. But it doesn’t have to be because you’re starting an ambitious new chapter in life, it can also be because you’ve decided that you want to start keeping track of your workouts and/or diet. And you don’t need to post it for other people to see if you don’t want to, doing it for yourself is still a great idea. 

The types of fitness journeys that seem to be the most popular are the ones that have dramatic before & afters. Which is understandable—those types of results motivate a lot of people, whether you’re the one in those photos or you just happen to see it on the internet. Documenting your fitness journey also forces you to make a plan and holds you accountable to it. The nice part too is that you’ll have something to look back on if you ever want to see the actual progress that you’ve made, which in turn, should motivate you more. And for those who love to see data, whether it’s tracking your macros, your steps per day, heart rate during exercise, etc., this is a no-brainer. 

So what are some ways to document your fitness journey? 

Take photos. Like I said, before & after photos are a great way to track progress. Sometimes, numbers on a scale don’t really tell you the whole story, but visible differences in body composition are proof that what you’re doing is working. And as uncomfortable as it might be for some people to take the “before” pictures, aiming to one day take that “after” picture is enough to keep some people determined to continue working day after day. Additionally, many peoples’ goals aren’t necessarily “I want to lose 20 pounds,” but rather, “I want to have a flat tummy.” 

Keep a journal (or use an app). Whether it’s tracking your runs, writing down what you did for leg day, recording your weight at the start of each day/week/month, or logging what you’re eating, having a record of your daily activities is a really great way to see progress. It’s also a way to see what’s working for you and what might not be helping you hit your goals. An added plus to tracking these types of things is that you also get to know your body pretty well—what you consume every day and how much activity you do as well. 

Here’s the thing. We all have something to work on or a goal to achieve because we’re always trying to be better and do better. Having the ability to look back and say, “I used to look like this” or “wow, I used to struggle running just 1 mile” means that your hard work has paid off and you got the numbers/pictures to prove it. Keeping records of what we do daily to get to our goals can remind us of where we started and as a result, why we’re still trying. 


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