What You Can Do This Quarantine Holiday

This Quarantine Holiday

This holiday season is looking a little different than most . . . and that doesn’t have to be a bad thing! If anything, make the best of your circumstances this year. Usually, there’s holiday parties and other gatherings filled with lots of rich food and drink. But this year we’ll be doing much less of that, so maybe you won’t end up falling into the usual trap of gaining weight over the holidays. We have a suggestion for you–instead, work on forming better habits. Part of that is changing our mindset. 

Rather than thinking about all the things you can’t do this year, set yourself up for success by having things to look forward to. Is there something that you’ve been meaning to do but never had the time for? Maybe take this down-time to read a book or binge a TV show. If you can, find an activity that will help to relieve stress or boost your mood. For some people, things like jigsaw puzzles, doing coloring books, or picking up a new skill like drawing or learning an instrument can be fulfilling. 

If you’re feeling a little bummed about not being able to travel and enjoying your favorite homemade holiday foods, consider taking this time to learn one dish and make it for yourself. Food is comfort, and maybe we’re all in need of that this year. 

Or you could do what we love to recommend most! Many people stop working out regularly toward the end of the year (unfortunate, but true). But don’t forget, exercise is a huge mood-booster–do it for yourself, make it fun. If you can, think about a schedule or a workout program that you can do over the next 2 or 3 weeks. Having a plan in place will increase your chances of following and sticking to it. 

Similarly, maybe you’ve been meaning to do yoga or start meditating. This is a great time to pick up something new. If you don’t know where to begin, apps are really helpful. Start with shorter practice times; it’ll be less challenging and you’ll be more likely to stay with it, which is honestly always the hardest part.    

Don’t wait for the New Year to start on these goals. Even though the holiday season this year is not what we’re used to, that doesn’t mean it can’t be enjoyable or even productive. Try to take this as an opportunity to start working on your own goals, whether that means setting your goals or making plans to achieve them, get started now! 

“I’ll start next year” or “I’ll do it tomorrow” has never been our motto, as you know. Tomorrow is made today.  

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