A Little Pep Talk

A Little Pep Talk

Wow, it’s already almost September. Summer this year has looked a little different for most of us, but it is what it is. I’ve noticed people who’ve dropped off from working out for various reasons–whether it’s because their gyms are closed or because it’s just been harder to motivate ourselves with everything else that’s going on in the world. I’m not here to point fingers or cast shame! 

In fact, I’d like to pause for a moment and remind everyone who’s reading this that if you’re apprehensive about working out/getting back into it, or just don’t have the motivation for exercise anymore, don’t lose heart. It’s never too late. You’ve got this. 

I guess this is kind of a pep talk in some ways. We all need it now and again. 

Remember that fitness is for EVERYONE. It doesn’t matter what shape you’re in, how old you are, etc. It’s something that everyone can do, so if you feel apprehensive or self-conscious, don’t. Fitness comes in many forms; whether it’s a leisure walk or an all-out sprint. As someone who’s trained people of every age, shape, level, take my word for it. 

If working out is something that you have anxiety about or dread, try to rethink the approach and remind yourself that exercise should really be about having fun. There are so many classes out there that allow you to explore different activities. Try boxing or something that involves learning a new skill, if that’s what keeps you going back. Maybe you like being outdoors. See if you could do tennis, hiking, biking. Or if you’re competitive, find things that will feed that fire for competition. 

Sometimes seeing exercises only as a means to change your body, (like losing weight for example), makes people more likely to quit, especially in the long term. Part of that reason is usually that people have a hard time sticking with exercise if they’re too obsessed about seeing results and lose motivation when they aren’t getting what they want. 

Rather than seeing exercise as only a means to an end, try to find something you truly enjoy, and maybe as a bonus, your body will change because of it. Again, boxing is a great example for this. Not a lot of people do it solely to lose weight, but you’ll most likely lose weight if you stick with it (at the very least–there are tons of other physical benefits, too!).  

There is no linear path to success. Remember that, because it’ll be very important on the days that you feel guilty for falling off the wagon for whatever reason. In my opinion, success is about consistency and effort more than anything else. But consistency also means never giving up even if you’ve skipped a few days. And it’s really never too late to get back into exercising. A lot of people lament the time that they haven’t been working out when they should be focusing on getting back into it and creating a routine instead of relying on motivation. 

Not quitting is the biggest win of all. Remember to do this for yourself. You’re in control. Find out what works for you. I actually have a ton of blogs on here that are good guides on how to set attainable, realistic goals and how to create good habits. I’ve learned a lot of good advice while writing them as well, so I think you’ll probably learn at least a thing or two while reading them! So do some reading, set some goals, and don’t be afraid to take baby steps. We’re all rooting for you!


Comments (1)

Thanks for the Pep Talk! The post hits on so many good points. Definitely will write down my small goals for the big goal.

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