72 Miles in 72 Hours

As most of you know, I am always looking for ways to help others—whether that’s through teaching self-defense classes, donating to meaningful causes, providing access to FREE classes while everyone’s stuck at home, or simply showing support when it’s needed. But right now many of us have been stuck at home for weeks and feeling useless even though staying at home is the most that we can do to help keep the virus from spreading. Needless to say, it’s been a mentally and physically trying time for many of us, so hopefully you’ll understand that I’ve been itching to do something that will allow me to help others…to do something purposeful

Last week someone showed me a post on Instagram from David Goggins. If you don’t know about him, you should look him up. Among his many accolades and accomplishments, he’s a retired Navy SEAL and former US Air Force member who served in the Iraq War. Goggins has also completed more than 50 endurance races, multiple ultra-marathons, etc. Basically, he’s one tough dude who really likes physical and mental challenges that are nearly “impossible” to overcome. And guess who else likes those types of challenges? Me. 

David Goggin’s challenge is the 4x4x48 Challenge. Every 4 hours, he runs 4 miles. For 48 hours. So that’s…48 miles.  

Well, ‪starting this Friday, April 10, at 8pm‬, I will be running 4 miles every 4 hours for 72 hours. So that’s…72 miles.

To quote the Instagram post that gave me this inspiration, “The whole idea of doing this is to push yourself slightly outside of your normal routines and workout schedules, to challenge you mentally and physically, to experience a little bit of sleep deprivation, irritability, soreness, and mild suffering…”

I have a decent amount of experience with all of the above as a former US Marine. I’ve had my mental and physical limits tested and I know this isn’t going to be a walk in the park. (If it was a walk in the park, this wouldn’t be a real challenge.) Most importantly, this challenge is going to serve a purpose

I’m doing this challenge to raise $72,000 for COVID-19 Relief through the Robin Hood Foundation. I’m going to be committing my blood, sweat, and maybe some tears for 72 hours, but 100% of your donations will be going to help New Yorkers and the people who are serving on our front lines during this pandemic. This is an opportunity to give back and give recognition to those who are sacrificing their sleep and risking their lives in order to save many. This is my way of doing what I can do within the limits of our socially-distanced lives right now. 

We will be posting information about the run and ways for you to keep up with me as I do the run on ‪TrifectaStrong.com‬. A link for donating will be on there as well as in my Instagram bio. You can also help by sharing my challenge on social media to help spread the word (#72in72). And last but not least, come cheer me on! Yes, I’ll be doing my run solo, but this is a team effort.

72 Miles in 72 Hours

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